Recent Replies
@hollie Indeed!
@bryan You're welcome! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!
@Miraz This is such a sweet photo!
@samgrover This is gorgeous.
@manton My adult son and I saw it yesterday at the early morning show so we could get decent seats. I'm going to see it again with friends soon too. Quite fun.
@jim It's nice when your selfishness works out for others. :)
@Miraz Well, I think you should be! ha!
@Miraz Those look really good!
@jim I ordered a shirt before and I'm so impressed with the quality. Thanks for setting this up.
@jim I ordered a shirt before and I'm so impressed with the quality. Thanks for setting this up.
∞ That's something that has always annoyed me on social media. I'm not here to gain followers. Talk to me.
@Miraz This must be very exciting.
@JoshNicholas Really lovely.
@pberry I hadn't seen this book previously, thanks for posting this.
@hollyhoneychurch These are so beautiful! I have one that ranges between blue and purple.
@Miraz I appreciate you! Thanks for the engagement.
The only time I had seen a heron in the neighborhood before was over closer to the wetlands part. It was surprising seeing this one gliding through the trees!
@odd I agree. I could see it being used as a prop in a bad scary movie! :)
@jim I'm sorry this has been dragging out. Good luck! I hope it's all resolved quickly!
@robertbrook This is really striking.
@johnpeterharvey Lovely. I agree with @Miraz about it being a nice fabric pattern too.
@Miraz Thank you!
@pel Indeed.
@brooks I was surprised to learn that some of our best "secret" family recipes were exactly this!
@Miraz We get a week or two of these intense colors. It's one of my favorite things about living in Oregon.
I have yet to make it to NZ, but I really hope to get there soon!
@manton Ridiculous indeed. The man breaks so many laws in plain sight and yet it's up to voters to defeat him?! Why isn't he in jail?