Finally! I have wanted to see Hamilton forever, it seems!

Entrance to Keller Auditorium decorated to showcase Hamilton: An American Musical

I’m ready for people that actually love our country to be in office again. This is a disgrace.

This little guy has become such a constant companion that I’ve begun naming him. Lately, he’s Robbie the Ribbiter.

I’ve never seen him, but sometimes I’m fairly certain he’s inside with me. This was recorded in my basement.

I guess he likes me.

Auto-generated description: A fluffy cat with striking green eyes is lying on a soft surface, gazing upwards.

My youngest is thriving in college but he’s so busy that we haven’t done a family call in a couple weeks and the last text from him just said “wonderful, thank”.

He’s coming up so we can see a play this weekend though, so I guess I’ll let it slide. Ha!

Maker Skill Trees! What a cool idea this is.

Finished reading: Tiamatโ€™s Wrath by James S. A. Corey This book was more exciting and I like where we’ve landed now. Excited to read the final book in the series next. ๐Ÿ“š

I need a word that means “Task that’s annoying to do at the time you’re reminded of it”.

Examples: Kindle needs charging, just as I’ve snuggled into bed to read. The backup camera needs to be cleaned, right as I’m ready to get on my way.

Does this exist? Can we make one up, if not?

Finished reading: The Familiar: A Novel by Leigh Bardugo ๐Ÿ“š

I listened to this as an audiobook. I enjoyed both the story and the narration.